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Table 2

Activity levels of 40K, 214Pb, 214Bi and 228Ac measured by the drone. Ambient equivalent dose rate measured: (1) from the 226Ra activity levels. (2) from gross gamma counts (cps) conversion factor. H*(10) values recorded by RS200 ionisation chamber.

Soil activity levels Ambient equivalent dose rate H*(10)
  40K 214Bi 214Pb 228Ac H*(10)1 H*(10)2 RS200
  (Bq/kg) (Bq/kg) (Bq/kg) (Bq/kg) (µSv/h) (µSv/h) ±0.001 (µSv/h)
Control 480±90 20±5 21 ±6 33 ±9 0.05 ±0.03 0.078 ±0.006 0.077
1 < MDA 960 ±180 720 ±140 < MDA 0.51 ±0.14 0.59±0.02 0.591
2 < MDA 790 ±150 740 ±140 < MDA 0.47 ±0.13 0.52±0.02 0.475
3 < MDA 410±80 490 ±100 < MDA 0.29 ±0.08 0.48±0.02 0.476
4 < MDA 370±70 450±90 < MDA 0.27 ±0.08 0.49±0.02 0.476
5 < MDA 730 ±140 670±130 < MDA 0.44 ±0.11 0.53±0.02 0.522
6 < MDA 540 ±100 640 ±120 < MDA 0.37 ±0.10 0.49±0.02 0.485
7 < MDA 480 ±90 410±80 < MDA 0.29 ±0.08 0.37±0.02 0.366
8 < MDA 630 ±120 700 ±130 < MDA 0.42 ±0.11 0.47±0.02 0.382
9 < MDA 580±110 570±110 < MDA 0.37 ±0.10 0.47±0.02 0.433
10 < MDA 130±30 90 ±20 < MDA 0.10 ±0.03 0.21 ±0.01 0.253

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