Table 2
Classification of the severity of the acute radiation syndrome observed in the 23 crewmen of the fisherboat Lucky Dragon based on the counts of the neutrophils, the lymphocytes, and the thrombocytes using the METREPOL-system.
Case | Neutrophiles | Lymphocytes | Thrombocytes |
383 | H3 | H2 | H3 |
384 | H1 | H1 | H2-H3 |
385 | H3 | H3 | ? |
386 | H3 | H2 | H3 |
387 | H1 | H2 | ? |
388 | H0-H1 | H2 | H2 |
389 | H1 | H2 | H2 |
390 | H0-H1 | H1 | H2 |
391 | H1 | H1 | H1 |
392 | ? | H0-H1 | H2 |
393 | H0-H1 | H0-H1 | H1 |
394 | H0-H1 | H0-H1 | H2 |
395 | H1-H2 | H1-H2 | H2 |
396 | H1 | H1 | H1 |
397 | H0-H1 | H2 | H1-H2 |
398 | H1-H2 | H2 | H2 |
399 | H0-H1 | H2 | H2 |
400 | H0-H1 | H2 | H2 |
401 | ? | ? | H0-H1 |
402 | H1 | H2 | H1-H2 |
403* | H2 | H2 | H3 |
404 | H1 | H1 | H1-H2 |
405 | H1 | H2 | H1-H2 |
H0: no alterations; H1: mild; H2: moderate; H3: severe; H4: fatal. In some cases indicated by “?” data seemed conflicting and a reasonable categorization did not seem possible. Nr 403: *Categorization of the chief radio officer, as the only short-term fatality of the crew. Source of the blood data: SEARCH database with case numbers as registered.
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