Numéro |
Volume 44, Numéro 5, 2009
ECORAD 2008 - Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity
Page(s) | 291 - 294 | |
DOI | | |
Publié en ligne | 6 juin 2009 |
Toxicity assessment of natural waters from the Obninsk radioactive waste repository
Obninsk State Technical University for Nuclear Power Engineering, 249030 Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia
The assessment of cyto- and genotoxicity of water samples from a regional radioactive waste repository using the Allium-test was carry out. Biotesting of natural waters from the site has demonstrated that negative biological effects are generated under the influence of water from well, located near the source of contamination. The percentage of aberrant cells in water samples from this well 4 is 2 times higher than in the control or other sources. Effects of water composition at the genome level are season independent. The Allium-test was shown to be highly sensitive and effective in testing a combined effect from radiation and chemical factors in field conditions.
© EDP Sciences, 2009
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