Open Access

Table 2

Overview of the non-nuclear countries’ panels.

Country Partners Emergency phases Scenarios Main objectives/goal
Ireland EPA Early emergency response and transition to recovery Contamination of food and animal feedstuffs in the aftermath of a nuclear accident abroad To identify and address the uncertainties associated with making decisions on food and feed protective actions in the aftermath of a nuclear accident abroad
Greece EEAE Emergency response and transition phase Contamination in food derived from an accidental release occurring in a neighbouring country To trigger the active participation of the stakeholders in formulating an effective approach for dealing with the inherent uncertainties in the management of a nuclear emergency
Norway DSA Transition phase and long-term recovery Agricultural scenario following accident at floating Russian nuclear power plant along the Norwegian coast To discuss priorities and uncertainties related to selection of actions and strategies in the management of food production in transition to long-term recovery
Portugal APA/IST Transition phase and long-term recovery Urban and agricultural contaminated areas from an accidental release from the nearby NPP in Spain To address the implementation of recovery strategies in the transition phase of a nuclear event and to identify the main uncertainties related to the decision-making process

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