Open Access

Table 1

Overview of the nuclear countries’ panels.

Country Partners Emergency phases Scenarios Main objectives/goal
France IRSN/CEPN Emergency and transition phases Evacuation/relocation of population and ban/restriction of the local consumption and trade To identify and evaluate the uncertainties of concern in the decision-making process during the preparedness phase and their interactions with decision processes
Spain CIEMAT Transition phase Contaminated inhabited and agricultural areas To facilitate the engagement of relevant stakeholders in the national post-accident preparedness process, and to assess their understanding of the critical aspects and uncertainties that arise during the transition phrase (to manage the consequences of the accident and plan the recovery)
The Netherlands WFSR/RIKILT Transition phase Urban and agricultural contaminated scenarios To develop a structured approach involving various stakeholders in order to facilitate the decision-making process after a nuclear incident in the Netherlands
Belgium SCK.CEN Transition phase Urban contamination To exchange views, experiences and opinions related to the scientific and societal uncertainties in the transition phase
Slovakia VUJE Transition phase Impact of evacuation/relocation of population and urban area recovery To facilitate stakeholders’ involvement and to provide valuable input in the process of decision making to improve preparedness for and response during the transition phase

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