Issue |
Volume 37, Number C1, February 2002
ECORAD 2001: The Radioecology - Ecotoxicology of Continental and Estuatine Environments
Page(s) | C1-887 - C1-891 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 25 March 2010 |
Assessment of doses for Arctic marine biota
Scientific & Production Association "Typhoon", 82 Lenin Ave., Kaluga Region, 249038 Obninsk, Russia
Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, P.O. Box 55, 1332 Osteras, Norway
The objectives of this paper are the presentation of site-specific radioecological information and development of models, which can be used to calculate doses to Arctic marine biota. The methodology of calculating doses from α, β, and γ-emitters is presented. This methodology is realized in form of computer code DOSBIO, and model parameters are evaluated. The following annual doses to biota are calculated: internal dose from radionuclides incorporated in the organisms; external dose from contaminated water; external dose from contaminated bottom sediments; total dose as a sum of internal and external doses. Dose conversion factors are calculated for 15 species of marine biota, including fish, sea mammals, molluscs. The list of species includes cod, plaice, haddock, herring, redfish, Greenland halibut, char, saithe, Greenland seal, white whale, ringed seal, bearded seal, and others. The calculations are performed for adult representatives of each species. Calculated dose conversion factors are presented for 11 different radionuclides (H-3, C-14, K-40, Sr-90, Tc-99, Sb-124, Cs-137, Eu-152, Po-210, Pu-239, Am-241). The current and potential doses to marine biota from the Barents and Kara Seas are estimated.
© EDP Sciences, 2002
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