Open Access

Table 1

Uncertainties in monitoring data and methods to reduce uncertainties.

Monitoring method Source of uncertainty Type of uncertainty Assessment of typical uncertainty Reduction method
Stationary dose rate monitoring Probe characteristics Stochastic and systematic Low, ∼15%  
Site characteristics Systematic High, factor of 2–3 Site characterisation
Mobile dose rate monitoring Probe characteristics Stochastic and systematic Low, ∼15%  
Vehicle characteristics Systematic Moderate, up to a factor of 2 Vehicle characterisation
Site/region characteristics Systematic High, factor of 2–3 Increased density of measurement points
Monitoring of airborne radioactivity Sample measurement Stochastic and systematic Low, ∼5%  
131I speciation Systematic High, up to factor of 4.5 Dedicated collection using activated carbon
Sampler characteristics Systematic Low, factor of 1.1  
Monitoring of fallout Sample measurement Stochastic and systematic Low, ∼5%  
Collector characteristics Systematic High  
Deposition surface characteristics Systematic High, factor of 0.25–4  
Spatial interpolation Site/region characteristics and the distribution of deposited activity   High Increased density of measurement points

The qualitative assessment is here classified as: high: can decisively sway a decision, e.g. a systematic underestimation would cause a significant exceedance of an OIL level to go un-noticed; moderate: will cause a careful deliberation of a decision; low: no impact on a decision.

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