Open Access
Table 1
Uncertainties in monitoring data and methods to reduce uncertainties.
Monitoring method | Source of uncertainty | Type of uncertainty | Assessment of typical uncertainty | Reduction method |
Stationary dose rate monitoring | Probe characteristics | Stochastic and systematic | Low, ∼15% | |
Site characteristics | Systematic | High, factor of 2–3 | Site characterisation | |
Mobile dose rate monitoring | Probe characteristics | Stochastic and systematic | Low, ∼15% | |
Vehicle characteristics | Systematic | Moderate, up to a factor of 2 | Vehicle characterisation | |
Site/region characteristics | Systematic | High, factor of 2–3 | Increased density of measurement points | |
Monitoring of airborne radioactivity | Sample measurement | Stochastic and systematic | Low, ∼5% | |
131I speciation | Systematic | High, up to factor of 4.5 | Dedicated collection using activated carbon | |
Sampler characteristics | Systematic | Low, factor of 1.1 | ||
Monitoring of fallout | Sample measurement | Stochastic and systematic | Low, ∼5% | |
Collector characteristics | Systematic | High | ||
Deposition surface characteristics | Systematic | High, factor of 0.25–4 | ||
Spatial interpolation | Site/region characteristics and the distribution of deposited activity | High | Increased density of measurement points |
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