Table 3
The ten most cited references of the 979 publications.
Year | Publication | Citation count (by the 979 ALARA publications) | Total citation count |
2001 | Brenner DJ, Elliston CD, Hall EJ, Berdon WE. 2001. Estimated risks of radiation-induced fatal cancer from pediatric CT. Am. J. Roentgenol. 176(2), 289–296. | 32 | 1724 |
2001 | Paterson A, Frush DP, Donnelly LF. 2001. Helical CT of the body: Are settings adjusted for pediatric patients?. Am. J. Roentgenol. 176(2): 297–301. | 16 | 300 |
2000 | Pierce DA, Preston DL. 2000. Radiation-related cancer risks at low doses among atomic bomb survivors. Radiat. Res. 154(2): 178–186. | 15 | 442 |
2001 | Donnelly LF et al. 2001. Minimizing radiation dose for pediatric body applications of single-detector helical CT: Strategies at a large children’s hospital. Am. J. Roentgenol. 176(2): 303–306. | 15 | 334 |
2007 | Brenner DJ, Hall EJ. 2007. Current concepts – Computed tomography – an increasing source of radiation exposure. N. Engl. J. Med. 357(22): 2277–2284. | 15 | 4175 |
2003 | Frush DP, Donnelly LF, Rosen NS. 2003. Computed tomography and radiation risks: What pediatric health care providers should know. Pediatrics 112(4): 951–957. | 14 | 319 |
2002 | Brenner DJ. 2002. Estimating cancer risks from pediatric CT: Going from the qualitative to the quantitative. Pediatr. Radiol. 32(4): 228–231. | 12 | 321 |
2003 | Linton OW, Mettler FA Jr. 2003. National conference on dose reduction in CT, with an emphasis on pediatric patients. Am. J. Roentgenol. 181(2): 321–329. | 11 | 248 |
1996 | Pierce DA, Shimizu Y, Preston DL, Vaeth M, Mabuchi K. 1996. Studies of the mortality of atomic bomb survivors. Report 12, Part I. Cancer: 1950–1990. Radiat. Res. 146(1): 1–27. | 10 | 607 |
2004 | Lee CI, Haims AH, Monico EP, Brink J. A, Forman HP. 2004. Diagnostic CT scans: Assessment of patient, physician, and radiologist awareness of radiation dose and possible risks. Radiology 231(2): 393–398. | 10 | 382 |
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