Issue |
Volume 51, December 2016
Innovative integrated tools and platforms for radiological emergency preparedness and post-accident response in Europe. Key results of the PREPARE European research project
Page(s) | S185 - S186 | |
Section | Improved means for the interaction of technical experts with authorities in charge, communication from and to the public and the training of key players − Analytical platform | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 23 December 2016 |
Knowledge database and case-based reasoning
KIT − Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1,
Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Nuclear emergencies are characterised by severe disruptions in society's functionality and adverse impacts on human, environment and economy. Decision-making in times of such crises is complex and usually accompanied by acute time pressure. Environment can change rapidly and decisions may have to be made based on uncertain information. IT-based decision support can systematically help to identify response and recovery measures, especially when time for decision-making is sparse, when numerous options exist or when events are not completely anticipated. This paper reviews the case- and scenario-based approach implemented in the so-called analytical platform to support the management of nuclear events in different accident phases. Important information needed for decision-making as well as approaches to reusing experience from previous events and the fictitious scenarios calculated by Java version of the Real-time On-line Decision Support System are discussed. Suitable management options based on similar historic events and scenarios might be identified to support disaster management.
Key words: knowledge database / case-based reasoning / analytical platform / decision support / PREPARE
© EDP Sciences 2016
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