Issue |
Volume 46, Number 6, 2011
ICRER 2011 – International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity: Environment & Nuclear Renaissance
Page(s) | S711 - S716 | |
Section | Management and General Considerations | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 09 January 2012 |
Comparison of transfer parameters in TRS-472 and Canadian standard CSA N288.1 and doses predicted using them
Environmental Technologies Branch, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), Chalk River, Ontario, K0J 1J0, Canada
We compared parameter values and models in N288.1 and TRS-472 and the doses predicted using them. The parameter values and models for tritium and C-14 are similar. For other radionuclides, the parameter values agree well for soil to plant transfer, and forage to animal products transfer. Agreement is not always good for the translocation factor (for which N288.1 is often more conservative) and for soil and sediment Kd and freshwater fish BAFs (for which N288.1 is often less conservative). Using parameter values from N288.1 rather than using those from TRS-472 results in higher doses for 8 of 9 radionuclides for airborne releases, and for 5 of 9 radionuclides for aquatic releases. For airborne releases, the maximum difference occurs for I-131, where using N288.1 parameter values results in doses being seven times higher. For aquatic releases, the difference reaches a factor of 194 for Co-60, with the use of N288.1 parameter values resulting in the lower dose. Where differences exist, site-specific values for key radionuclides should be obtained through a review of available data or new experiments. In the absence of site-specific data, the more conservative of the values in N288.1 and TRS-472 should be used.
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2011
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