Radioprotection adopts the Subscribe-to-Open open access model from 2023

Radioprotection becomes the eighth journal published by EDP Sciences to move to Subscribe-to-Open (S2O) and will also be online-only from 2023.
Paris, France, 19 July 2022: It is confirmed that the journal, Radioprotection, will adopt the Subscribe-to-Open (S2O) open access model from 2023. Under the terms of this transformative model, Radioprotection will be open access in 2023 if it receives the required level of support through subscriptions. Radioprotection is published by EDP Sciences on behalf of the Société Française de Radioprotection (SFRP). Articles are in English and French and address all aspects of radiological protection, including non-ionising as well as ionising radiations.
“Since 1966, Radioprotection has been publishing important research from authors across the world,” commented Michel Bourguignon, Editor-in-Chief of Radioprotection and Professor Emeritus of Biophysics and Nuclear Medicine, MD, PhD-University Paris Saclay (UVSQ). “Since 2018, we have been offering an open access option which has been increasingly popular with our authors. Together with the SFRP, we feel the time is right to transition towards open access and believe S2O offers the best path for our community.”
The research published in Radioprotection has been making more and more of an impact recently; its Journal Impact Factor ™ has increased every year for four years and went up by 57% last year to 1.589. It is clearly valued by the nuclear medicine community and we expect positive results to continue through this move to S2O and eventual open access. Articles will be published under a CC-BY 4.0 license allowing authors to retain the copyright and others to share and adapt the content. A Creative Commons license also enables authors to be fully compliant with the open access requirements of their institution or funding organisation(s).
“Our goal is to transition Radioprotection to open access in 2023 and make its radiological protection research more accessible to the broadest possible audience,” said Dr. Agnès Henri, Managing Director, EDP Sciences. “It is the only journal in its field to adopt S2O so far and to favour, therefore, an open access model that does not reply on authors paying article processing charges (APCs). We hope it will get the support it deserves, so that it can open its content next year and in the years to come.”
About Radioprotection
Radioprotection is a peer-reviewed journal on radiation protection and radiological protection. Fields of interest range from research, development and theory to operational matters, education and training. Topics include (theoretical and practical aspects): dosimetry, instrument development, specialized measuring techniques, epidemiology, biological effects (in vivo and in vitro) and risk and environmental impact assessments.
About EDP Sciences
EDP Sciences was established in 1920 by a prestigious academic community of French learned societies seeking to inspire, innovate and inform others by sharing their knowledge. Members of this community included eminent scientists like Marie Curie, Paul Langevin and Louis de Broglie. Today, EDP Sciences publishes high-quality scientific journals, conferences proceeding, books and magazines in a broad range of scientific, technical, and medical disciplines.
About Subscribe-to-Open
Subscribe-to-Open (S20) is one of the transformative models that aims to move subscription journals to open access. S2O was initiated by Annual Reviews and has been endorsed by cOAlition S. It has been embraced by a number of publishers who have come together in the S2O Community of Practice. This innovative model has quickly become an accepted approach for achieving fair and sustainable open access and builds on collaborative initiatives such as SCOAP3 and Knowledge Unlatched. EDP Sciences is already successfully publishing Astronomy & Astrophysics and its Mathematics portfolio in open access through the S2O model.
For further information, contact:
Charlotte Van Rooyen
Director of Marketing and Communications, EDP Sciences
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