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Volume 55, Numéro 2, April-June 2020
Page(s) 75 - 76
Publié en ligne 30 juin 2020
  • Croüail P, Schneider T, Gariel JC, Tsubokura M, Naito W, Orita M, Takamura N. 2020. Analysis of the modalities of return of populations to the contaminated territories following the accident at the Fukushima power plant. Radioprotection 55, [Google Scholar]
  • Maître M, Schneidre T, Charron S. 2020. Les démarches d’implication des parties prenantes dans la gestion des situations post-accidentelles – Quels enseignements pour la préparation ? Radioprotection 55, [Google Scholar]
  • Raskob W, Beresford NA, Duranova T, Korsakissok I, Mathieu A, Montero M, Müller T, Turcanu C, Woda C. 2020. CONFIDENCE: project description and main results. Radioprotection 55(HS1): S7–S15. [EDP Sciences] [Google Scholar]
  • Turcanu C, Duranova T. 2020. Editorial: The main results of the European ENGAGE project. Radioprotection 55(HS2): S209–S210. [EDP Sciences] [Google Scholar]
  • Turcanu C, Van Oudheusden M, Abelshausen B, Schieber C, SchneiderT, Zeleznik N, Geysmans R, Duranova T, Perko T, Pölzl-Viol C. 2020. Stakeholder engagement in radiological protection: Developing theory, practice and guidelines. Radioprotection 55(HS2): S211–S218. [EDP Sciences] [Google Scholar]

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