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Table 2

Correspondence between foodstuff categories used for impact assessments and those from the treatment of local surveys.

Foodstuff categories IRSN Foodstuff categories from the treatment
Leafy vegetables Fresh leafy vegetables + wild asparagus + aromatic plants
Root vegetables Fresh root vegetables
Potatoes Potatoes
Fruit vegetables Fresh fruit vegetables + dried vegetables
Fruits Fresh fruits + nuts + dried fruits + fruit preserves and jams
Mushrooms Mushrooms and wild mushrooms
Cereal products Rice + bread and rusk + other cereals
Milk Milk
Other milk products Cheese + butter + other milk products
Meat Beef, veal, sheep and pork meat + sausage + wild animals + poultry + rabbits + snails
Eggs Eggs
Fish Fish
Seafood (shellfish and crustaceans)* Shellfish and crustaceans

For Marcoule, Gravelines, Blayais and Bure surveys (for Chinon and Tricastin sites, seafood category is with fish category).

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