Numéro |
Volume 46, Numéro 6, 2011
ICRER 2011 – International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity: Environment & Nuclear Renaissance
Page(s) | S475 - S478 | |
Section | Mechanisms and Models | |
DOI | | |
Publié en ligne | 9 janvier 2012 |
Interception of wet deposited and transfers of radiocaesium and radiostrontium by Brássica napus L. and Tríticum aestívum L.*
Department of Soil and Environment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, P.O. Box 7014, SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
The aim of this study is to assess the interception and transfer to edible part of wet deposited 134Cs and 85Sr to spring oilseed rape and spring wheat and the dependency of the intercepted fraction on the development stage e.g. the total plant biomass. The radionuclides, 134Cs and 85Sr, were deposited at six different development stages using a rainfall simulator. The results showed that there was a positive correlation between the interception fraction for 134Cs and 85Sr and the biomass both for spring oilseed rape and spring wheat. The interception fraction and transfer factors were highest at growing stage of senescence (ripening) for both crops.
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2011
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