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Leaching Behavior of Cesium, Strontium, Cobalt, and Europium from Immobilized Cement Matrix
Ja-Young Goo, Bong-Ju Kim, Myunggoo Kang, Jongtae Jeong, Ho Young Jo and Jang-Soon Kwon Applied Sciences 11(18) 8418 (2021)
Report on the Symposium of Cooperative Engineering Education Committee 1994-2019
Study of Composite Adsorbent Synthesis and Characterization for the Removal of Cs in the High-salt and High-radioactive Wastewater
Jimin Kim, Keun-Young Lee, Kwang-Wook Kim, et al. Journal of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT) 15(1) 1 (2017)
Effect on Cs removal of solid-phase metal oxidation in metal ferrocyanides