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Table 2

Estimated furnace and samples temperatures, in °C, at areas marked in Figure 11(2). ∗NB: at 1140 °C, the coil (d) pixels red channel is saturated.

Probe Estimated temp. °C
temp. Mean Min Max
800 °C
 a 807 790 835
 b 868 857 900
 c 845 813 878
 d 880 857 921
1000 °C
 A 1040 1002 1143
 B 1021 982 1062
 C 1006 982 1042
 D 1043 1022 1082
1140 °C
 a 1107 1022 1143
 b 1143 1102 1181
 c 1139 1102 1181
 d∗ 1390 1139 1400
900 °C
 a 943 899 981
 b 916 857 962
 c 919 878 962
 d 963 941 1002
1100 °C
 a 1042 962 1122
 b 1097 1062 1142
 c 1097 1062 1161
 d 1141 1122 1161

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