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Table 1

Demographic and professional characteristics of 228 participants.

Characteristic N = 228
Gender Male 177 (78%)
Female 51 (22%)
Age 20–29 99 (43%)
30–39 60 (26%)
40–49 45 (20%)
≥ 50 24 (11%)
Marital status Single/not committed 87 (38%)
Married 141 (62%)
Education level Diploma 102 (45%)
Bachelor 126 (55%)
Type of hospital Public 192 (84%)
Private 36 (16%)
Years of experience 1–9 117 (51%)
10–19 78 (34%)
≥20 33 (15%)
RPE Utilization Fully committed 144 (63%)
Not fully committed 84 (37%)

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