Issue |
Volume 45, Number 5, 2010
Enhancing nuclear and radiological emergency management and rehabilitation: Key Results of the EURANOS European Project |
Page(s) | S231 - S242 | |
Section | Articles | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 16 September 2010 |
Importance of the demonstration/participation of end users for the success of the EURANOS project
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institut für Kern- und Energietechnik,
Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, München-Neuherberg, Germany
Within the EURANOS project, 17 different demonstrations were conducted. The objective of these demonstrations was to apply a certain product in the operational environment of an emergency centre and to check its performance either in particular exercises or in their daily use. As a result of a demonstration feedback to the development team was provided, highlighting requirements for the further development of the product – if necessary. A second key pillar in the project was the intensive involvement of the RODOS Users Group (RUG) in the research activities. In particular all work packages related to the further improvement of the RODOS system have been observed by the RUG. In some of the work packages, the RUG was involved from the beginning and participated even in the design documents for the software development. Both mechanisms, the demonstrations and user involvement, guaranteed that the end user’s perspective was considered throughout all phases of the EURANOS project.
© EDP Sciences, 2010
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