Issue |
Volume 40, May 2005
Page(s) | S833 - S837 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 17 June 2005 |
Application of MnO2-coated discs in the case of the measurement of 226Ra with alpha-spectrometric method
University of Veszprém, Department of Radiochemistry, 8201 Veszprém, Hungary
Among the naturally occurring isotopes the determination of radium is the most difficult ones. In this work some alpha-spectrometric source preparation methods to determine radium were measured. The aim of our work was to investigate the feasibility of MnO2-coated discs for radium detection with a semi-conductor PIPS detector. This method based on the sorption of radium onto MnO2-coated surfaces. Parameters of this method were measured, and efforts were made to solve the incidental problems. In the case of using polyamide discs for base material, the executed experiments were showed that it might be applied to detection of 226Ra, however the resolution was weak. It can be caused by the surface roughness and by the width of the MnO2 coat. In the consecutive investigates we have these parameters changed. Whereas the surface roughness of MnO2 cannot be changed more, smooth surfaces could produce in another way, so there were took several surfaces into account, like stainless-steel, nickel, copper and chrome plate. Regarding our results - in the case of optimal width of MnO2 coat - using MnO2-coated discs is a simple and effective source preparation method in radium measurement.
© EDP Sciences, 2005
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