Issue |
Volume 37, Number C1, February 2002
ECORAD 2001: The Radioecology - Ecotoxicology of Continental and Estuatine Environments
Page(s) | C1-661 - C1-665 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 25 March 2010 |
Contribution of liquid wastes from Beloyarsk NPP to contamination of Pyshma river basin in the Urals
Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology of Ural Division of Russian Academy of Sciences, 8 Marta Street 202, 620219 Ekaterinburg, Russia
We studied the distribution of radionuclides in the components of the swamp-river ecosystem into which weakly radioactive debalance water from the Beloyarsk nuclear Power Plant was discharged during 35 years. We estimated the influence of this ecosystem on the Olkhovka and Pyshma rivers connected with the swamp in the same hydrographic system. During operation of 3 units of the power station the content of 60Co, 90Sr and 137Cs in the swamp water was 2.5, 0.7 and 15.6 Bq l-1 respectively. Concentration of 60Co and 137Cs in the sediments of the ecosystem under study was units and tens of kBq kg-1 dry weight respectively, while concentration of 90Sr was only tens - hundreds of Bq kg-1 dry weight. According to calculations about 3.7·1012Bq has deposited in bottom sediments. When the first two units of the power station were out of operation the content of radionuclides in the water and sediments decreased significantly as a result of a decreased discharge, natural radioactive decay and the washout into the river system. 137Cs was the main pollutant of the Olkhovsk swamp-river ecosystem. Significant quantities of this radionuclide were discovered in bottom sediments of the Pyshma 50 km from the pollution source.
© EDP Sciences, 2002
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