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Ethical and societal aspects of radiological protection for offspring and next generations
F. Zölzer, T. Schneider, E. Ainsbury, A. Goto, L. Liutsko, G. O’Reilly and J. Lochard International Journal of Radiation Biology 100(9) 1371 (2024)
Radioprotection passe en « open access » pour 2024
What On-site Inspectors Under the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Can Learn from The “Co-expertise Process” Experiences Implemented After the Chernobyl and Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accidents?
Win Thu Zar, Jacques Lochard, Martin B. Kalinowski, Andrew Collinson and Thierry Schneider Pure and Applied Geophysics (2024)
Medical preparedness and response for a nuclear or radiological emergency: an assessment study in selected hospitals of the ministry of health across Saudi Arabia
A. M. Assiri, M. Almalki, N. Shubayr, A. Alqahtani, R. Darwish, F. Alotaibi, M. Alanazi, M. Alzahrani, S. Alrumyan and Y. Alghamdi Radioprotection 58(4) 281 (2023)
Impacts of environmental decontamination on the rebuilding of returnees’ lives after the Fukushima accident
Report on the 24th Fukushima Dialogue “Creating the Future of Fukushima Together With The Next Generation”
R. Ando, Y. Koyama, T. Kobayashi, D. Sasaki, N. Akimoto, T. Schneider, J. Lochard and Y. Kanai Radioprotection 58(3) 161 (2023)
An analysis of the desire to make radiation measurements and to dialogue with experts among the residents of Tomioka town, Fukushima Prefecture: about the implementation of the co-expertise process
The Identification, Diagnosis, Prospective, and Action (IDPA) Method for Facilitating Dialogue between Stakeholders: Application to the Radiological Protection Domain
Jacques Lochard, Win Thu Zar, Michiaki Kai and Ryoko Ando Journal of Radiation Protection and Research 48(3) 107 (2023)
Responding to disasters: about the governance of post-nuclear accident situations
The NERIS roadmap: research challenges in emergency preparedness, response and recovery
A. Bexon, S. Andronopoulos, P. Croüail, M. Montero Prieto, D. Oughton, W. Raskob and C. Turcanu Radioprotection 58(3) 169 (2023)
Thoughts, perceptions and concerns of coastal residents regarding the discharge of tritium-containing treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean
Varsha Hande, Makiko Orita, Hitomi Matsunaga, Yuya Kashiwazaki, Xu Xiao, Thierry Schneider, Jacques Lochard, Yasuyuki Taira and Noboru Takamura BMC Public Health 23(1) (2023)
Importance of improving radiation risk perception during reconstruction of Futaba town at 11 years after lifting of Fukushima nuclear accident evacuation orders
Le retour d’expérience devrait être érigé en principe fondamental de la radioprotection / Experience feedback should be established as a fundamental principle of radiological protection