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Stakeholder involvement through national panels and surveys to address the issues and uncertainties arising in the preparedness and management of the transition phase

M. Montero, R. Sala, C. Trueba, et al.
Radioprotection 55 S127 (2020)

Les démarches d’implication des parties prenantes dans la gestion des situations post-accidentelles − quels enseignements pour la préparation ?

Mélanie Maître, Thierry Schneider and Sylvie Charron
Radioprotection 55 (2) 95 (2020)

Stakeholder participation in nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness and recovery in Spain: benefits and challenges of working together

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Towards an improved decision-making process to better cope with uncertainties following a nuclear accident

V. Durand, M. Maître, P. Crouaïl, et al.
Radioprotection 55 S135 (2020)

Use of Portal Monitors for Detection of Technogenic Radioactive Sources in Scrap Metal

D B Solovev and A E Merkusheva
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 262 012198 (2017)

Assessing Quality of Stakeholder Engagement: From Bureaucracy to Democracy

Yevgeniya Tomkiv, Astrid Liland, Deborah H. Oughton and Brian Wynne
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 37 (3) 167 (2017)