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Tritium from the Molecule to the Biosphere. 1. Patterns of Its Behavior in the Environment

E. V. Antonova, K. L. Antonov, M. E. Vasyanovich and S. V. Panchenko
Russian Journal of Ecology 53 (4) 253 (2022)

Non-intrusive and reliable speciation of organically bound tritium in environmental matrices

A-L. Nivesse, N. Baglan, G. Montavon, G. Granger and O. Péron
Talanta 224 121803 (2021)

Towards speciation of organically bound tritium and deuterium: Quantification of non-exchangeable forms in carbohydrate molecules

O. Péron, E. Fourré, L. Pastor, et al.
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Investigation of the potential impact of storage place on tissue free water tritium and organically bound tritium activity determination

N. Baglan, E. Ansoborlo, C. Cossonnet, Y. Losset and M. Crozet
Radioprotection 52 (4) 281 (2017)

“Reference waters” in French laboratories involved in tritium monitoring: how tritium-free are they?

E. Fourré, P. Jean-Baptiste, A. Dapoigny, E. Ansoborlo and N. Baglan
Radioprotection 49 (2) 143 (2014)

Organically bound tritium (OBT) behaviour and analysis: outcomes of the seminar held in Balaruc-les-Bains in May 2012

N. Baglan, S.B. Kim, C. Cossonnet, et al.
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Advanced nuclear reactors and tritium impacts. Modeling the aquatic pathway

Francisco Fernando Lamego Simões Filho, Abner Duarte Soares, André da Silva Aguiar, Celso Marcelo Franklin Lapa and Antonio Carlos Ferreira Guimarães
Progress in Nuclear Energy 69 9 (2013)

Le tritium organique dans les écosystèmes d’eau douce : évolution à long terme dans l’environnement des centres nucléaires de production d’électricité français

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