Overview of the PREPARE WP3: management of contaminated goods in post-accidental situation – Synthesis of European stakeholders' panels
S. Charron, S. Lafage, E. van Asselt, M. Baptista, M. van Bourgondiën, P. Brandhoff, T. Cabianca, J. Camps, B. Cessac, P. Crouail, V. Durand, E. Gallego, O. Gil, S. Holmes, C. Hourdakis, K. Jones, V. Kamenopoulou, J.F. Lecomte, A. Liland, I. Lopes, M.J. Madruga, J.O. Martins, C. Mc Mahon, M. Montero, C. Murith, G. Olyslaegers, C. Organo, I. Paiva, T. Peltonen, L. Portugal, C. Potiriadis, A. Prades, M. Reis, N. Rossignol, T. Schneider, R. Sala, V. Smith, V. Tafili, P. Teles, Y. Tomkiv, C. Trueba, C. Turcanu, T. Turtiainen, C. Twenhöfel and P. Vaz
Radioprotection, 51 (2016) S83-S91
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/radiopro/2016038