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Table 3

A comparison between DRLs of some countries and the median value of this study

Region/Country* Brain
Japan, 2020 77.0 1350 13.0 510 18.0 880 (Abe et al., 2020)
United Kingdom, 2019 60.0 970 12.0 350 15.0 745 (Salama et al., 2017)
Canada, 2016 79.1 1302 14.1 521 18.1 874 (Wardlaw, 2016)
Australia, 2019 52.0 880 10.0 390 13.0 566 (Lee et al., 2020)
United states, 2017 57.0 1011 15.4 566 19.4 998 (Damilakis and Vassileva, 2021)
France, 2019 38.1 753 5.8 203 6.5 333 (Habib Geryes et al., 2019)
Malaysia, 2013 46.8 1050 19.9 600 14.5 637 (Karim et al., 2016a)
Egypt,2017 30.0 1360 22.0 420 31.0 1325 (Salama et al., 2017)
Nigeria, 2018 61.0 1310 17.0 735 20.0 1486 (Ekpo et al., 2018)
Kenya, 2018 61.0 1612 19.0 895 20.0 1842 (Ekpo et al., 2018)
India, 2014 32.0 925 12.0 456 16.0 482 (Saravanakumar et al., 2014)
This study 48.2 1057 9.4 372 12.3 647  

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