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Table 1

Distribution of lens dose (mSv/year) by working area.

Department Number Mean value Standard deviation Minimum Maximum
Anesthesiology 100 3.93 2.774 0 15
Cardiosurgery 7 3.45 0.710 3 5
Cardiology 60 4.42 0 27 3.647
Endoscopy 24 3.42 1.451 1 8
Radioimmunoassay 12 2.83 0.202 3 3
Neurosurgery 33 2.85 1.481 0 5
Nuclear medicine 29 16.47 15.170 2 61
Interventional radiology 27 7.67 6.842 0 27
Orthopedic 72 4.04 2.342 0 13
Traditional radiology 162 4.46 3.337 0 23
Radiotherapy 36 5.49 9.609 0 52
Surgery 125 3.38 1.104 0 7
Vascular surgery 15 3.11 3.279 0 14
Total 702 4.64 5.369 0 61

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