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Table 2

Calculated exposure values and exposure time involving some retina damages on rat eye (Jaadane et al., 2015) and calculated light source radiance needed to produce same exposure on human retina with d = 3 mm, t = 0.9 and f = 17 mm.

Calculated exposure D (J/cm2) (Jaadane et al., 2015) Exposure time T (h) (Jaadane et al., 2015) Calculated Eretinal (W/m2) (this study) Full spectrum radiance for human eye Ls (W/m2/sr) (this study)
81 12 18.7 852
125 18 19.3 876
151 24 17.5 794
303 48 17.5 797
453 72 17.5 794

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