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Changes in radiocesium concentrations in epigeic earthworms in relation to the organic layer 2.5 years after the 2011 Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
Bioaccumulation and biological effects in the earthworm Eisenia fetida exposed to natural and depleted uranium
Anna Giovanetti, Sergey Fesenko, Maria L. Cozzella, Lisbet D. Asencio and Umberto Sansone Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 101(6) 509 (2010)
Transfer of radionuclides to ants, mosses and lichens in semi-natural ecosystems
Transfer of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides to ants, bryophytes and lichen in a semi-natural ecosystem
Snezana Dragović, Brenda J. Howard, Jane A. Caborn, Catherine L. Barnett and Nevena Mihailović Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 166(1-4) 677 (2010)
Researches in National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) for radiation protection of non-human biota and ecosystems in Japanese environment
Environmental Protection: Transfer Parameters for Reference Animals and Plants
C.H. Clement, P. Strand, N. Beresford, D. Copplestone, J. Godoy, L. Jianguo, R. Saxén, T. Yankovich and J. Brown Annals of the ICRP 39(6) 1 (2009)
Derivation of transfer parameters for use within the ERICA Tool and the default concentration ratios for terrestrial biota