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Article cité :

Radioecological modeling of the 131I activity dynamics in the pasture vegetation of Mazovia in the year of the Chernobyl accident: Reconstruction, verification, reliability assessments

Oleg K. Vlasov, Irina A. Zvonova, Nataliya V. Shchukina and Sergey Yu. Chekin
Nuclear Energy and Technology 9 (4) 245 (2023)

Radioecological modeling of the 131I activity dynamics in different types of grass vegetation in the Chernobyl accident year

Oleg K. Vlasov, Irina A. Zvonova, Pavel Krajewski, et al.
Nuclear Energy and Technology 7 (1) 27 (2021)

Verification of radioecological models to the instrumental data of the specific activity 131I in a grass in Mazovia and Bohemia after the Chernobyl accident (from “Prague” and “Warsaw” scenarios of the IAEA project EMRAS

Oleg K. Vlasov, Pavel Krajewski, Irina A. Zvonova, et al.
Radiatsionnaya Gygiena = Radiation Hygiene 12 (4) 6 (2020)

Reconstruction of radio-ecological model parameters based on the results of monitoring the radiation situation in Mazovia after the Chernobyl accident (based on the «Warsaw» scenario of the IAEA EMRAS project)

O. K. Vlasov, I. A. Zvonova, P. Krajewski, et al.
Radiatsionnaya Gygiena = Radiation Hygiene 13 (4) 26 (2020)