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Article cité :

Influence of soil types and osmotic pressure on growth and 137 Cs accumulation in blackgram ( Vigna mungo L.)

Khin Thuzar Win, Aung Zaw Oo and Sonoko Dorothea Bellingrath-Kimura
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 169-170 98 (2017)

Varietal differences in growth and Cs allocation of blackgram (Vigna mungo) under water stress

Khin Thuzar Win, Aung Zaw Oo, Han Phyo Aung, et al.
Environmental and Experimental Botany 109 244 (2015)

Modeling radionuclide Cs and C dynamics in an artificial forest ecosystem in Japan -FoRothCs ver1.0-

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Frontiers in Environmental Science 3 (2015)

134Cs transfer factors to green gram and soybean as influenced by waste mica

M. Sreenivasa Chari, K.M. Manjaiah, P. Sachdev and M.S. Sachdev
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 104 46 (2012)