Stakeholder involvement through national panels and surveys to address the issues and uncertainties arising in the preparedness and management of the transition phase
M. Montero, R. Sala, C. Trueba, B. García-Puerta, B. Abelshausen, J. Bohunova, P. Croüail, V. Durand, T. Duranova, C. Hilliard, M. Maitre, D. Mitrakos, O. Monteiro Gil, P. Nunes, I. Paiva, M. Reis, T. Schneider, L. Skuterud, V. Smith, V. Tafili, H. Thørring, C. Turcanu, C. Twenhöfel and E. Van Asselt
Radioprotection, 55 (2020) S127-S134